Our research profile has a long range from Nanobiomedical experiments on cancer to GMO array analysis platforms


Our targeted Nanobiomedical studies are focused to Prostate and Breast cancer  studies. 

GMO Array

Our GMO experiments are focused to design new arrays. However, we have a GMO diagnosis facility in our region as a part of our food analysis center.

RD Studies


Tumgen performed thousands of genomix and proteomix analysis  for diagnostic or research purposes, between 2006-2013.  We have seen common networks and pathways in different tumors.

Winter 2014, we focused to nanobiomedical experiments to inhibit these specific gene networks. Kationicnanopolymeric materials are in use in our experiments.

<strong>GMO Array</strong>
GMO Array
Genetically modified organisms (GMO) are natural products that have been genetically engineered. These products went into our everyday life like animal and human processed food. For everyone who is working closely with GMO, the main aims are to increase the people’s awareness of these components in food products and form a positive attitude while choosing GM products.

2014  january, Launched  first GMO array for to screen many different  species in a single platform.

<strong>Latest News</strong>
Latest News
November 2013 : FMF verifications completed for Multiplicom, 280 exons samples were analysed by Next Generation Sequencing Technology.

December 2013 : Collaboration Agreement were signed with Parsenom Biotech, Dortmund..